Dec 2013: UnCrowdTPG mobile app awarded

The QoL team’s mobile application UnCrowdTPG has won a second place in the TPG Open Data Challenge. Read the full TPG press release in French and read the related article “Comment l’Open Data facilite notre vie”, LeTemps, 6 jan 2014. Check the application website and download instructions at UnCrowdTPG website. Photo of the QoL team […]

Nov 2013: Talk at USI Lugano by Mattia Gustarini: “Ops, I wasn’t supposed to share that picture!”

Mattia Gustarini, Ops, I was not supposed to share that picture with them! Towards semi-automated centralized privacy settings: what to share, with whom, and in which situation, University of Lugano, Switzerland, Nov 2013 Highlight news Ubiquitous data collection from our smartphones is becoming a mainstream. We share data (e.g., photos, location) with our social networks, […]

2013-2015: New Research Projects Accepted

The QoL team has got two research project proposals accepted: 2013-2015: Swiss National Science Foundation Basic Reserach Project “Enabling People-Centric Sensing by Overcoming the privacy BarriEr” (PCS-OBEY) 2014-2016: European Ambient Assisted Living project “intergenerAtioNal communIty for coMpAny knowledge TransfEr” (ANIMATE) (AAL-2013-6)

Oct 2013: IEEE Healthcom Conference Tutorial

9 October 2013, Katarzyna Wac is giving a tutorial titled “Methodology for Evaluating Experience of Mobile (Healthcare) Applications Used in Different Contexts of Daily Life”, at the 15th Intl Conference on e-Health Networking, Application and Services (IEEE HealthCom’13) conference in Lisbon, Portugal. Abstract: Many attendees at IEEE HealthCom conferences deal on a growing scale with […]

Apr 2013: “Un bracelet qui mesure tout”, Emission Radio sur

25 April 2013, “Un bracelet qui mesure tout”, Emission Radio, Invitée: Dr. Katarzyna Wac, Tout quantifier dans sa vie, c’est la tendance pour les accros à la technologie. Pour les adeptes du “Quantified Self”, un nouveau bracelet est disponible en Suisse. Le UP permettrait de tout mesurer dans sa vie, du sport au sommeil. […]